Sunday, October 5, 2008

Oh, the weekends!!

Work provides a nice and absolutely necessary distraction during the weekdays. Weekends, especially ones when Anand would have been with me (this current weekend), are another story.

Friday night was bearable because I was deeply engrossed in completing a biography from the Library. Saturday turned out good with an Indian Movie in a theater in Kirkland.

This morning truly turned this into a 'wretched weekend'. Finally connected the Camcorder and watched Anand's latest Video. The miniDV had about 45 minutes of recording. I watched the first 15 minutes (celebration of his 3rd B'day at my place) and gave up. Deciding to watch it turned out to be as bad an idea as I had been fearing. I am determined not to watch it anymore...let us just leave it there.

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